Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This should take time.

It should take time, and I understand I tried rushing things
and we got thrown into a situation that quickly became an awkward one
and maybe a
very bad idea.

I never want/wanted you to be just another face from my past.
I still want to know you, know about you, hear from you and be your friend,
at least.

No one on this frigging earth is perfect, we know that.
I've had my share of screw ups and I won't deny it.
I'm doing me, but no one should expect me to forget you entirely.
No one should expect me to not think about you.
I think I'd be a cold hearted bitch if I suddenly stopped thinking of you,
if I stopped worrying about you, or caring about you,
wondering if you were okay, how your day was.. etc etc.
This should take time, right?

Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I'm still waiting" - Dixie Chicks

I'm still waiting. Not waiting as in I'm giving myself false hope;
waiting, as in waiting to evolve into that better person,
or at least waiting for what God will throw at me next, forever hoping
that it is something just as good or even better than before.

In other news, another segment of my life is coming to a close.
Graduation is coming up quickly,
but why am I not as excited as I should be?
Maybe one of these days, real soon, I'll be hit with reality.
I'm done, bitches! June 10. Let's go.


Anonymous said...

hi reina! its tiff. is it cool if i add your link to my blog?

reinareinareina said...

of course my love!

i'm adding you too, fyi.