Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's over..


I can't believe I just had my last exam tonight.
Really really really hoping I passed all my classes,
to ensure that I can graduate in June.

Imagine I was missing something or didn't pass something, omg. fail.

It's ironic that at this supposedly really happy time,
deep down I'm feeling the total opposite.

Don't get me wrong, obviously I'm happy with the accomplishments
I've made with my academic life,

(even though I obviously could've done 100x better than I did
Oh well, I'm happy that I was able to finish)
but it sucks because I can't even share this happy time
with the person that's helped me
through all my stressful nights
of school work, assignments and exam prep.

I can't fully share this experience with him, the one who pushed me to succeed.
It really sucks, because all I can say to him is "Heyyyyy... I'm doooone"
but I can't get that long and warm hug, that soft, sweet kiss,
or just that comforting voice on the other line
telling me how proud he is of me at this very moment.

My life has really been taken on a whirlwind over the past week.
& my heart has definitely been taking a hard beating.

So God, please help me to push through the days ahead.
I gotta stay strong. For me. For him. and for Him.


Kar said...

congrats reina :) UTSC undergrad that's a huge accomplishment. You're so luck to be done

as for the heart and the massive beating you'll get through it one day at a time.

falling in love might be the best and worst feeling but HEY atleast you went through it right? my aunt always told me that "you've never lived unless you've loved"

congrats again :)

reinareinareina said...

thanks kar! i know, it is a big big big accomplishment!

anyways, thanks for that!
i know, falling in love is good and bad but you know what, i'm trying not to regret anything that's happened.

we're working on our own happiness right now, hopefully we'll find each other again. we haven't given up on each other.

thank you though